Ingredients for 4 people
- 10.5 ounces of ground beef
- 3.5 ounces of ground veal beef
- 5.3 ounces of ground pig beef
- 2 “mozzarella” cheese
- 1 “mortadella” without pistachio
- Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
- herbs (celery, carrots, onion)
- olive oil
- salt
- 1 egg
First put the onion inside a pan, let it brown by adding a little bit of oil, then, add the herbs and the ground beef, salt it and let it cook at low temperature for 30 minutes.
If needed, add water and/or oil.
Let it cool down, add the “mozzarella cheese” and the sliced (or cubed if you are chefs lol) mozzarella. Blend everything in a rough way and in the end, add the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and the egg.
Let it sleep for at least 30 minutes.
The tomato sauce
You can find the link of the recipe here.
The Pasta
Ingredients for 4 people
- 14.1 ounces of flower
- 4 eggs
First, prepare your dough (you can find the link on the website regarding the recipe of the dough) and let it sleep.
In this case, I suggest you use the “Nonna Papera” ( to roll out the pasta. Use the equivalent of half egg at the time, spread out your pasta stripes possibly, trying to give them a regular shape (not too short, if you can).
Reach the thickness indicated on the machine (number 5). Let it sleep upon a cloth.
Take a big pot and fill it with hot water, when you notice that it is boiling, put some salt, wait until the water boils again and immerge 4 stripes of pasta at the time, making sure that they are dropped slowly and vertically inside the pot. When the pasta is floating, you can drain it. After that, put it for a few seconds inside a recipient with cold water to suspend the cooking process.
Now, the pasta can be drained again and laid down upon a cloth of linen or cotton so that it dries off.
Now you have two options:
- If you are looking for a more elegant result, you can cut the pasta in equal rectangles
- You can work directly on the pasta with the irregular shape (Nonna loves this option since she prefers not to waste anything.
Final step!
- Mozzarella cheese
- Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
- Milk
Now we’ll start stuffing our pasta, put a couple of filled spoonful at the end of our strips, (or rectangles) and let’s start rolling our pasta, paying attention that they stick completely against the stuffed parts. By the way, keep checking if things are going well. Don’t forget that pasta must be treated differently, it is not meat. The stuffed part must have the thickness of a finger.
The pasta must be rolled two times around it, after that, you can cut it.
Now sprinkle on a baking tray the tomato sauce and place your cannelloni one against the other.
Cover it up with tomato sauce, (cubes or sliced) mozzarella cheese, and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.
Nonna Nerina’s secret: use a spoon and pour a little bit of milk all around the boarders of the baking tray. This step will be tremendously helpful to achieve a better result!
In a ventilated oven, cook it with a temperature of 200C for 30 minutes. The fragrance that you will smell is going to be the result of a fantastic cooking day!
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